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Summer at KCSP
Literacy Camps (1st-5th grade) Book Club (4th-6th grade) Writing Camps (4th-8th grade) Study Skills (8th-12th grade) For more information...

ADHD and the Brain
A quick and informative video about how the brain is different in people with ADHD and those without ADHD provided by King's College London.

What is taking so long?
I recently had the pleasure of working with a gentleman with expressive aphasia. Aphasia is an acquired disorder (often occurring after a...

Promising Technology for Language
Artificial general intelligence for language will bring change
Adults and Dyslexia
Can adults get tested for dyslexia? The answer is, YES! Why might an adult want to be tested? Here are some common reasons: Testing...

May is Better Hearing & Speech Month!
To celebrate BH&SM, contact us to schedule a free consult and trial session to discuss our services and trial our therapies to see if we...
Pre-Literacy and Early Literacy Instruction Groups FAQ
Give your child a boost with a literacy instruction group.

HELP! My Early Reader is Falling Behind
We are all struggling with the new normal. Remote learning is hard! Screen time is also a huge concern. Not a big fan of viruses to say...

Check out our Facebook page for some sound practice videos. Each video is only 5-minutes long, making it quick and easy at-home practice!
While at home during the COVID-19 outbreak, don't worry about missing out on speech therapy services. KCSP is equipped to provide ongoing...
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